
New Zealand: Day Two

   Hey there, Phil here checking in for day number two in New Zealand.

Last night I played the most intense game of Jenga I have ever played in my life.
Written on each of the blocks in bold black lettering are the words, "Crashing Colossus", so you know this isn't your average game of Jenga. People would come and go, but at one point we had about 10 people all playing this game, it was a blast. I ended up meeting this guy, he's 26 years old, and calls New Zealand home. He's been travelling for the past 11 years; That means he's been travelling since he was 15 years old! He's been to Russia, South America, and all over Europe. He tells me that the Chechnians party the hardest out of all the people he's met. Even if this guy is lying, I don't care that's an awesome story.

Anyways, Auckland is a very nice place, the people are nice and there is just so much to do! There are information buildings set up around the city that have internet access and a whole entire wall filled with brochures and books, mostly all free, which are there to help you do anything and everything that you want to do.

It's such a fun experience to be travelling alone. I can go as deep into the local culture and history as I want, or I can be smack dab in the middle of the nightlife scene if I wanted! Not to mention that the drinking age here is 18... :)

Stay tuned for more!

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